It’s All for the Kids!

Baseball Rule Book
© 2016 Middle Country Youth
Association (Serving the Youth of Middle Country for
"56 YEARS")

Middle Country Youth Association
Table of Contents
Section 1: Tee Ball Division Rules
Section 2: Farms Division Rules
Section 3: Minors Division Rules
Section 4: Majors Division Rules
Section 5: Draft Procedure
Section 6: Manager’s Agreement
Section 7: Field Dimensions
All Divisions
1.0 FOLLOW ALL RULES! Managers DO NOT have the authority to change, ignore or create rules even by mutual agreement of the managers. These rules have been well thought out and are designed to ensure an enjoyable experience for all players.
2.0 All players reporting for the game shall be listed in the batting order prior to game start and remain in that batting position for the entire game. A player reporting to the game after the game starts shall be placed at the end of the batting order and shall remain in that batting position for the entire game.
3.0 All players must wear a protective cup.
4.0 All batters and runners must wear helmets.
5.0 If a runner stands up and deliberately tries to jar the ball loose from a fielder, he shall be called out. The second time (same player), he shall be ejected for minors and major divisions.
6.0 Players who make an out or are tagged out will be removed from the base path. 7.0 A runner must slide to avoid contact.
8.0 In recent years, with the emergence of composite and alloy bats, there has been a lot of confusion and many questions about which bats are permitted to be used. The following summarizes MCYA’s bat policy.
MCYA has adopted the USA baseball bat standards (USAbat). All non-wood laminated bats used in MCYA age divisions 12 and younger shall bear the USA baseball logo signifying that the bat meets the USABat Standard.
Older bats with the “little league-approved“ designation will no longer be acceptable for use. Additionally, all BPF - 1.15 bats will also be prohibited beginning with the 2023 season. USABat rules notwithstanding, the maximum diameter bat that can be used in any MCYA baseball division is 2 5/8 inches. BBCOR bats will be allowed in the Majors Division only!
9.0 No jewelry of any kind shall be worn during play. (pierced earrings, rings, necklaces, etc.) including sports necklaces, There will be no exceptions to this rule. No tape or band-aids covering earrings will be allowed. Jewelry must be removed.
1.0 Players must be in matching uniforms. MCYA jerseys, MCYA baseball caps, and GRAY baseball pants must be matching to be eligible to warm-up, play or sit in the bench area. Any player not in full matching uniform is ineligible to play and must stay out of the bench area.
2.0 The Manager and Coaches must be in FoaFhes shirt and baseball cap to enter the playing field at any time.
Middle Country Youth Association
Section 1: Tee Ball Division Rules
1.0 Team Parents are Responsible to Keep all Players on the Bench when not Fielding, Batting, Base Running or in the “on deck” area behind the protective fence. 2.0 Batting order shall change each game with the first batter rotating to the bottom of the order in the next game.
3.0 All players must play the field. ONLY 5 FIELDERS are allowed in the infield including the pitcher. There is no catcher.
4.0 All players will play infield and outfield during the season.
5.0 Three Coaches are permitted on the playing field to GUIDE the players. A coach may only back up the first baseman.
6.0 There are no winners or losers in Tee Ball. All games end in a tie.
7.0 Field Dimensions:
Field dimensions are 50-foot base path and 40-foot mound. The distance from the back point of home plate to second base is 71 feet.
8.0 All games will start as per the published MCYA schedule. No inning will start after 7:45 PM or 2hr time limit. There are no forfeits!
9.0 Teams will play for two hours. There is no set amount of innings for Tee Ball. 10.0 Players will hit off the Tee. The ball must travel a distance of 10 feet into fair territory to be considered in play. Otherwise the ball will be ruled a foul ball and the player will bat again.
11.0 All batters MUST hit off of the tee for the first two games of the season. From the third game, coaches have the option of pitching to their batters or letting the batter hit off the Tee. If the coach elects to pitch to the batter, the pitches will be delivered overhand from a distance no closer than 25 feet and no further than 40 feet at the manager’s discretion. (The player fielding the pitcher’s position must stay on the mound behind the 40 foot mark and will not be allowed closer.)
If after 3 swings or 4 pitches the batter does not put ball in play, the batter MUST USE THE TEE. An assistant coach for the team that is batting must attend to the Tee in order to keep the game moving.
12.0 A coach who is pitching has the right to knock down any ball that he feels may injure the fielder in the pitchers position.
13.0 There will be no hit batters or walks.
14.0 There are no strikeouts.
15.0 A ball hit in the infield is one base only. Overthrows DO NOT allow another base to be taken.
16.0 There is no bunting, stealing or tagging up.
17.0 The infield fly rule does not apply.
18.0 Runners shall not leave their base until the ball is hit.
19.0 The base paths must be clear for the runners to advance. Fielders must keep the base paths clear to allow the base runners to advance without obstruction on a batted ball. 20.0 On a ball hit to the outfield, baserunners must stay at the base they posses or were headed for when the ball reaches the infield playing surface. They MAY NOT advance beyond that base.
Middle Country Youth Association
21.0 ANTI-BOREDOM SPEEDUP RULE: 7 batters per side will bat each inning, regardless of the number of outs recorded. (i.e. If the first three batters are retired, the batting team will still send 4 more players to bat). If no outs are recorded, only seven batters will bat that inning.
Middle Country Youth Association
Section 2: Farms Division Rules
1.0 Team Parents are Responsible to Keep all Players on the Bench when not Fielding, Batting, Base Running or in the “on deck” area behind the protective fence. 2.0 Ten players will play the field. ONLY 6 FIELDERS are allowed in the infield including the pitcher and catcher.
3.0 A coach may only back up the first baseman.
4.0 There are no standings.
5.0 Field Dimensions:
Field dimensions are 55-foot base path and 40-foot mound (Pitchers will not be allowed any closer). The distance from the back point of home plate to second base is 78 feet. 6.0 Teams will play for two hours. There is no set amount of innings for Farms. Teams must make an attempt to play at least 6 full innings.
7.0 Coaches will pitch the first three scheduled games Overhand. Strikes will be called from the first game. Coaches from the offensive team will call strikes. A coach who is pitching has the right to knock down any ball that he feels may injure the fielder in the pitcher's position.
8.0 One coach (in addition to the “pitcher”) may be on the field to help instruct the defensive fielders.
9.0 With the start of the fourth game, the players will pitch until there are three balls on the batter. The coach will then complete that batter. The batter will hit the ball into fair territory or strike out. There will be no walks. A batter that gets hit by pitch with a ball that a player pitched will take first base. Two batters hit in one inning by a pitcher will cause the pitcher to be removed.
10.0 Adult pitcher will remain on the field in an effort to speed up the game. 11.0 Pitcher will only be allowed their allotted number of warm-up pitches from the mound. (Pitchers should be warmed up ahead of time on the sidelines). Eight warm-ups for the first inning pitched by the pitcher and five for each additional inning pitched. This applies to both starting and relief pitchers.
12.0 Pitchers will be allowed to pitch 2 innings maximum per game. The pitched innings do not have to be consecutive.
12.1 A batter is allowed one base only on a ball hit in the infield.
13.0 There is no bunting, stealing or tagging up.
14.0 The infield fly rule does not apply.
15.0 Runners shall not leave their base until the ball is hit.
16.0 The base paths must be clear for the runners to advance. Fielders must keep the base paths clear to allow the base runners to advance without obstruction on a batted ball. However, the fielder has the right to field a batted ball over the runner. If a runner interferes with a fielder in the process of fielding a ball the runner will be called out. (Runners Interference will be called)
17.0 Base runners must stay at the base they posses or were headed for (if in-between bases) when the ball reached the infield playing surface. They may not advance beyond that base. The defensive team must hustle to get the ball back to the pitchers mound.
18.0 MERCY RULE: An inning is over when three outs have been recorded or when 8 batters in the order have batted. No more than 8 batters may ever bat in an inning.
Middle Country Youth Association
19.0 No Player May Sit Out Two Consecutive Innings at any Time and May Not Sit More Than Two Innings Total. No player may sit out a second time in the same game unless EVERY player has sat at least once. All Available Players will be in the Batting Line Up.
20.0 In order to speed-up play, the catcher may be removed from the base path with two outs and replaced by the player who made the last out. However, the manager is responsible to have a coach warm up his pitcher should his catcher not be ready to do so.
21.0 Pitchers shall not wear a white sweatshirt or white sweatbands to prevent confusion with the baseball for the batter.
1.0 All parents (including coaches that have a player on the team) submit 3 players they believe should be put into the All-Star Game. The Players with the most votes get in
Middle Country Youth Association
Section 3: Minors Division Rules
1.0 Minors teams shall field 10 players.
2.0 Forfeit Time is 15 minutes after scheduled game time. (i.e. all games starting at 5:30
PM will have a 5:45 PM forfeit time. Any team failing to have 8 players by forfeit time shall receive a loss. If a team must forfeit the umps will stay and ump the game as a scrimmage if the coaches want to. Players may be swapped to make even teams. No one player will pitch more than 20 pitches!. See official schedules supplied by MCYA for actual game time.
3.0 All games will have a two-hour time limit. No inning will start two hours from the exact time of the first pitch of the game. An inning begun before the two-hour limit will be allowed to continue until completed. The official Start time will be announced by the umpire and recorded by each coach in their respective score book before the first pitch is thrown.
4.0 In order to speed-up play, the catcher may be removed from the base path with two outs and replaced by the player who made the last out. This is at the manager’s discretion and should be discussed during ground rules. However, the manager is responsible to have a coach warm up his pitcher should his catcher not be ready to do so.
4.1 If a player is removed from the base path as a catcher, he must have caught the previous inning or must catch the upcoming inning.
5.0 A team shall earn 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss. In the event of a tie in the standings, final position will be determined by:
Number of wins
Head to head record
Best record against playoff teams
One game playoff
5.1 Playoff Tiebreakers: The Playoff Rules on page 11 of this book will take precedence. 6.0 Regulation game is 6 innings. In the case of a tie after 6 innings, extra innings are permitted as long as the game time meets the requirements outlined in paragraph 3.0 above.
7.0 A regulation game will be as follows:
7.1 If the visiting team is winning, four innings must be completed.
7.2 If the home team is winning, three and one half innings must be completed. 8.0 If the game is suspended by the umpire before it is a regulation game, (3½ innings) the game shall resume at the exact point it was halted. (After 1 inning) If less than one complete inning was played, the game will start over.
9.0 Ground rules will be established for each field prior to opening day. Umpires will review them with both team managers before each game and may change them to ensure the safety of the players.
10.0 All players must wear a catcher's mask when warming up a pitcher on the mound or anywhere else on the field.
11.0 Coaches may not touch or hold a base runner with the intent of preventing him from running or forcing him to run. Result is an automatic out and all runners occupying a base at the time of infraction will return to that base at the time of infraction.
11.1 On deck batter must stay behind protection fences when warming up. The only offensive player allowed on the field is the current batter.
Middle Country Youth Association
11.2 No Player, Parent, Spectator or Coach may stand behind the backstop - NO EXCEPTION!
12.0 If a batter, in the judgment of the umpire, throws his bat, the batter will be called out. Should a batter intentionally throw his bat or helmet in a rage, after being called out on strikes he is ejected from the game and second out will be called. NO EXCEPTIONS. There will be NO WARNINGS and No Runners Can Advance.
13.0 Each umpire has authority to disqualify any player, coach, manager, or parent strenuously objecting to decisions, displaying unsportsmanlike conduct, or foul language. A warning must be issued to the manager of the offending team first before anyone is ejected from the playing field. A board member must be notified.
13.1 Spectators are the manager’s responsibility. If a spectator gets ejected, the manager will also be ejected from the game.
13.2 Any manager, coach or player who is ejected from a game must appear before the Executive Board. The person ejected will be suspended from participating in the next played game, will not be permitted on the playing area or in the player’s bench area, and will not be allowed to give instruction to his team. Umpires will be notified of the suspension. Failure to observe the suspension will result in a forfeit.
14.0 Should an ejection be warranted and given, the person must leave the field. Play will not resume until then. If they will not leave the field the game will be stopped and the team responsible will receive a loss without regard to the score.
15.0 Leading:
There is NO Leading off of the base.
Runners shall not leave their base until the ball crosses the plate. The umpire will call out a base runner caught leaving the base too early. There are no appeals. 16.0 Stealing:
Stealing is permitted.
Runner may steal only after the ball has crossed the plate. A runner caught leaving the base early will be called out. There will be no appeal allowed. The Umpire’s judgment will stand.
The runner is permitted to advance only one base.
On a steal attempt, a tag is needed to record an out.
17.1 Stealing Limitations:
Three successful stolen bases per inning maximum.
No Double Steals.
No Attempt at Home Plate.
17.2 Stealing Cap:
Once a team leads by 5 or more runs, that team is allowed no more steals until the deficit is reduced to less than 5. Runners attempting to steal will be returned to the base of origin.
17.3 Catcher’s Overthrow:
On a STEAL there will be no advance on a catcher’s overthrow of the base being stolen..
17.4 There will be NO advance of base runners if the catcher overthrows the ball back to the pitcher. (Note: In order to speed up play, the 2nd baseman and shortstop should be taught to back up pitcher.)
Middle Country Youth Association
17.5 In a situation where a baserunner is not in contact with the base, the catcher may attempt to pick the runner off. If he does so, the ball is in play and the runners may advance at their own risk.
18.0 Infield fly rule shall not apply.
19.0 Tagging up is permitted.
20.0 A runner must slide to avoid contact. NO PLAYER CAN BLOCK A BASE WHEN HE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALL. Runners must be allowed to reach the bases. 21.0 If a fielder does not have the ball and fakes a tag, a warning will be given to the manager
of the offending team. The second time, the offending player will be removed from the game and the runner will be awarded an extra base.
22.0 If a runner stands up and deliberately tries to jar the ball loose from the fielder or catcher, he shall be called out. The second time (same player), he shall be ejected. 23.0 Ten Batters per Inning Max: No more than 10 players may bat in any inning to limit runaway scores and speed up the game. (xFept the thinning, no 1 batter rXle. The 10th batter is a regular batter and the inning is over WHEN the play is over! 24.0 Once all baserunners have stopped moving and the ball has been returned to the pitcher on the mound, the play is completed. The ball cannot be thrown to the pitcher in order to stop a play that is in progress. The defensive team must make an honest attempt to make an out prior to the ball being returned to the mound. This will be the umpire's judgment call. In the case where a batter is walked the batter will take first base and can not advance.
25.0 If the catcher misses the ball on a third strike, the batter is out and the runners may run at their own risk. This will be considered a steal, and must conform to all of the rules regarding stealing.
26.0 All scorebooks shall be done in INK with pitchers listed separately. Books must be signed by umpires and be surrendered to the Commissioner upon request. 29.0 Field Dimensions:
Field dimensions are 60-foot base path and 46-foot mound. The distance from the back point of home plate to second base is 85 feet.
30.0 Bunting is permitted.
31.0 Managers must have a copy of the league rules at all times. No calls can be disputed or protested without identifying the rule in question.
32.0 Headfirst sliding should be strongly discouraged, slide and avoid at all times. 33.0 Each manager/coach is allowed one offensive conference per inning.
34.0 MERCY RULE – If the home team is up by 15 runs at the end of 3 ½ innings the game is over. If the away team is up 15 runs at the end of 4 innings the game is over. The pitch count and score are sent in as recorded at this time. If coaches agree the game may continue as a scrimmage until time is up or 6 innings are played, score will not be kept and no player can pitch more than 20 pitches (regulation game and scrimmage combined).
Middle Country Youth Association
1.0 Players may be substituted for any fielding position at any time except a player who has pitched in the game may not pitch again.
2.0 All available players must play. Every player on the roster must play. 2.1 If a player must leave a game early due to a prior commitment (i.e. school concert) his place in the lineup will be skipped without penalty. The umpire and opposing manager must be informed BEFORE the game begins.
2.2 If a player leaves the game with a legitimate injury (in the Umpire’s opinion) and must miss an at bat, his place in the lineup will be skipped without penalty for the rest of the game. The player cannot return to the game.
2.3 If the manager feels that the injured player might be able to return to the game, he may have the option of taking an automatic out each time that player’s spot in the lineup comes up until the player returns.
2.4 If a player leaves the game and misses an at bat for any other reason, he may not return to the game and an automatic out will be recorded each time his spot in the batting order comes up.
3.0 No Player May Sit Out Two Consecutive Innings at any Time and May Not Sit More Than Two Innings Total. All Available Players will be in the Batting Line Up. 4.0 Violation of this rule will result in an Appearance Before the Executive Board. A manager may be suspended or expelled at the discretion of the Board. Injury substitution does not apply.
1.0 Managers assume full responsibility for the utilization and care of their pitchers. The safety and welfare of the pitcher comes first!
2.0 Pitch Count
PITCHES.........Days Rest
1-20 0
21-40 1
41-60 2
61-75 3
NOTE – 75 pitches is the MAX a player may throw in a game!
2.1 The number of pitches has to be announced and agreed upon each inning by the manager/coach. %ooNs initialed by Xmps between innings to Fonfirm pitFh FoXnt. 2.2 The total pitch count has to be submitted by each manager/coach after each game to the commissioner of the division.
3.0 Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not pitch again in that game, even if he has not reached his Pitch Count.
4.0 Pitcher will only be allowed their allotted number of warm-up pitches. Eight warm-ups for the first inning pitched by the pitcher and five for each additional inning pitched. This applies to both starting and relief pitchers.
5.0 Managers (coaches) are allowed one trip to the mound per pitcher in an inning. Second time out in the same inning, to the same pitcher, the pitcher must be removed. Third time out to the same pitcher in the same game, the pitcher must be removed.
6.0 An injury does not count as a trip to the mound.
Middle Country Youth Association
7.0 If a manager or coach crosses over the baseline to talk to players in the field it will count as a trip to the mound.
8.0 The pivot foot must be in contact with the pitching rubber during windup and delivery. Failure will result in no pitch.
9.0 There will be no balks.
10.0 There are no intentional walks!
11.0 There will be no curve balls pitched. Result is no pitch.
12.0 If a pitcher hits two batters in one inning or three batters in the game he must be removed.
13.0 Pitchers shall not wear a white sweatshirt or white sweatbands to prevent confusion with the baseball for the batter.
14.0 There will be unlimited walks. Managers should not allow their pitcher to throw without control.
15.0 Pitchers who become wild, tired or sore must be removed to protect them from serious injury. Managers must keep their players' welfare above all.
1.0 There will be no protests allowed based on an umpire's judgment. 2.0 If a dispute arises over an interpretation of the rules, it should be settled on the field between the two teams and the umpire. If it cannot be resolved, a board member will try to settle the matter on the field. Should there still be a problem, the game will cease at that point and the baseball committee will decide on the final ruling.
1.0 All parents (including coaches that have a player on the team) submit 3 players they believe should be put into the All-Star Game. The Players with the most votes get in.
Middle Country Youth Association
1.0 League Champions, Standings, Playoffs:
Will be determined by a point system:
Two (2) Points for Win, One (1) Point for Tie, Zero (0) Points for a loss
In the event of a tie for a position, the team with the most wins will get the position. For teams tying with identical records, head-to-head competition will determine the winner. 1.1 EXAMPLE:
If Team "A" and Team "B" tie for a place, but Team "A" has won the regular season game, Team "A" will be declared the winner of that place in the standings. In the event that the two regular games were split or a single regular season game finished tied, the team with the most wins vs. playoff teams will be determined based on the power rating system.
1.2 Power Rating System:
A point value will be given to each team qualifying for play-offs with the first place team getting a point for every team in the division. For a division with 16 teams the points would be assigned as follows:
1st place -16 pts, 2nd place -15pts, 3rd place 14pts. And so on.
The team that has accrued the most points will be declared the winner of that place in the standings. If this procedure does not produce a winner, the seeding spot will be determined by a coin flip.
1.3 Playoff Tournament Requirements:
All teams with 14 pts. or more will make the playoffs. Single elimination brackets will be utilized until the championship round.
2.0 The championship series will be a best two out of three World Series with extra innings if necessary.
3.0 World Series Home Team:
The team that finished highest in the regular season standings will be Home Team for Games 1 & 3 and visitor for Game 2.
1.0 All Managers must submit final score, pitcher information for both teams, and All Star picks for the opposing team’s players with the “Game Results Submission Form” on the MCYA website the within 24 hours.
2.0 If a manager fails to submit forms within 24 hours, the Commissioner will contact the opposing Manager to select All Star Picks for his own team for that game. 3.0 If neither manager submits forms within 24 hours, the game results in a tie and All Star picks are forfeited for that game.
Middle Country Youth Association
Section 4: Majors Division Rules
1.0 Majors teams shall field 9 players.
2.0 Forfeit Time is 15 minutes after scheduled game time.
Any team failing to have 8 players by forfeit time shall receive a loss. Game must be played as a practice. See official schedules supplied by MCYA for actual game time.
3.0 All games will have a two-hour time limit. No inning will start two hours from the exact time of the first pitch of the game. An inning begun before the two-hour limit will be allowed to continue until completed. The official Start time will be announced by the umpire and recorded by each coach in their respective score book before the first pitch is thrown.
4.0 In order to speed-up play, the catcher may be removed from the base path with two outs and replaced by the player who made the last out. This is at the manager’s discretion and should be discussed during ground rules. However, the manager is responsible to have a coach warm up his pitcher should his catcher not be ready to do so.
4.1 If a player is removed from the base path as a catcher, he must have caught the previous inning or must catch the upcoming inning.
5.0 A team shall earn 2 points for a win 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss. In the event of a tie in the standings, final position will be determined by:
Number of wins
Head to head record
Best record against playoff teams
One game playoff
5.1 Playoff Tiebreakers: The Playoff Rules on page 11 of this book will take precedence. 6.0 Regulation game is 6 innings. In the case of a tie after 6 innings, extra innings are permitted as long as the game time meets the requirements outlined in paragraph 3.0 above.
7.0 A regulation game will be as follows:
7.1 If the visiting team is winning, four innings must be completed.
7.2 If the home team is winning, three and one half innings must be completed. 8.0 If the game is suspended by the umpire before it is a regulation game, (3½ innings) the game shall resume at the exact point it was halted. (After 1 inning) If less than one complete inning was played, the game will start over.
9.0 Ground rules will be established for each field prior to opening day. Umpires will review them with both team managers before each game and may change them to ensure the safety of the players.
10.0 All players must wear a catcher's mask when warming up a pitcher on the mound or anywhere else on the field.
11.0 Coaches may not touch or hold a base runner with the intent of preventing him from running or forcing him to run. Result is an automatic out and all runners occupying a base at the time of infraction will return to that base at the time of infraction.
11.1 On deck batters must stay behind protection fences when warming up. The only offensive player allowed on the field will be the batter.
11.2 No player, parent or coach may stand directly behind the home plate backstop.
Middle Country Youth Association
12.0 If a batter, in the judgment of the either umpire, throws his bat, the batter will be called out. Should a batter intentionally throw his bat or helmet in a rage, after being called out on strikes he is ejected from the game and second out will be called. NO EXCEPTIONS. There will be NO WARNINGS and No Runners Can Advance.
13.0 Each umpire has authority to disqualify any player, coach, manager, or parent strenuously objecting to decisions, displaying un-sportsmanlike conduct, or foul language. A warning must be issued to the manager of the offending team first before anyone is ejected from the playing field. A board member must be notified.
13.1 Spectators are the manager’s responsibility. If a spectator gets ejected, the manager will also be ejected from the game.
13.2 Any manager, coach or player who is ejected from a game must appear before the Executive Board. The person ejected will be suspended from participating in the next played game, will not be permitted on the playing area or in the player’s bench area, and will not be allowed to give instruction to his team. Umpires will be notified of the suspension. Failure to observe the suspension will result in a forfeit.
14.0 Any judgment call made by an umpire is final. Judgment calls include whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or ball, or whether a runner is safe or out. These and any other judgment decisions are final.
15.0 Should an ejection be warranted and given, the person must leave the field. Play will not resume until then. If they will not leave the field the game will be stopped and the team responsible will receive a loss without regard to the score.
16.0 Unlimited stealing is permitted only after the ball has been released by pitFher. YOU MAY STEAL HOME. You may advance if the ball is put into play. (Tag play) 17.0 Runners shall not leave their base until the ball is released. NO LEADING. A runner caught leaving early will be called out. There will be NO warnings given. 18.0 Infield fly rule shall apply.
19.0 Tagging up is permitted.
20.0 A runner must slide to avoid contact. NO PLAYER CAN BLOCK A BASE WHEN HE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALL. Runners must be allowed to reach the bases. 22.0 If a fielder does not have the ball and fakes a tag, a warning will be given to the manager
of the offending team. The second time, the offending player will be removed from the game and the runner will be awarded an extra base.
23.0 If a runner stands up and deliberately tries to jar the ball loose from the fielder or catcher, he shall be called out. The second time (same player), he shall be ejected. 24.0 The offensive coach has the option to accept or decline a walk or a hit batsman who is the tenth batter in any given inning.
25.0 Ten Batters per Inning Max: No more than 10 players may bat in any inning to limit runaway scores and speed up the game. ( The 10th batter is a regular batter and the inning is over WHEN the play is over!
26.0 Once all baserunners have stopped moving and the ball has been returned to the pitcher on the mound, the play is completed. The ball cannot be thrown to the pitcher in order to stop a play that is in progress. The defensive team must make an honest attempt to make an out prior to the ball being returned to the mound. This will be the umpire's judgment call. In the case where a batter is walked the batter will take first base and can not advance.
Middle Country Youth Association
27.0 If on a third strike the catcher misses the ball ,the batter may and the runners may run at their own risk. 'ropped rd 6triNe rXle is in effeFt.
28.0 All scorebooks shall be done in INK with pitchers listed separately. Books must be signed by opposing manager and umpires and be surrendered to the Commissioner upon request.
29.0 Field Dimensions:
Field dimensions are 65-foot base path and 50-foot mound. The distance from the back point of home plate to second base is 92 feet.
30.0 Bunting is permitted.
31.0 Managers must have a copy of the league rules at all times. No calls can be disputed or protested without identifying the rule in question.
32.0 Headfirst sliding should be strongly discouraged.
33.0 Each manager/coach is allowed one offensive conference per inning.
34.0 MERCY RULE – If the home team is up by 15 runs at the end of 3 ½ innings the game is over. If the away team is up 15 runs at the end of 4 innings the game is over. The pitch count and score are sent in as recorded at this time. If coaches agree the game may continue as a scrimmage until time is up or 6 innings are played, score will not be kept and no player can pitch more than 20 pitches (regulation game and scrimmage combined).
1.0 Players may be substituted for any fielding position at any time except a player who has pitched in the game may not pitch again.
2.0 All available players must play. Every player on the roster must play. 2.1 If a player must leave a game early due to a prior commitment (i.e. school concert) his place in the lineup will be skipped without penalty. The umpire and opposing manager must be informed BEFORE the game begins.
2.2 If a player leaves the game with a legitimate injury (in the Umpire’s opinion) and must miss an at bat, his place in the lineup will be skipped without penalty for the rest of the game. The player cannot return to the game.
2.3 If the manager feels that the injured player might be able to return to the game, he may have the option of taking an automatic out each time that players spot in the lineup comes up until the player returns.
2.4 If a player leaves the game and misses an at bat for any other reason, he may not return to the game and an automatic out will be recorded each time his spot in the batting order comes up.
3.0 No Player May Sit Out Two Consecutive Innings at any Time and May Not Sit More Than Two Innings Total. All Available Players will be in the Batting Line Up. 4.0 Violation of this rule will result in an Appearance Before the Executive Board. A manager may be suspended or expelled at the discretion of the Board. Injury substitution does not apply.
Middle Country Youth Association
1.0 Managers assume full responsibility for the utilization and care of their pitchers. 2.0 Pitch Count
PITCHES.........Days Rest
1-20 0
21-40 1
41-60 2
61-75 3
NOTE – 75 pitches is the MAX a player may throw in a game!
2.1 The number of pitches has to be announced and agreed upon each inning by the manager/coach.
2.2 The total pitch count has to be submitted by each manager/coach after each game to the commissioner of the division.
3.0 Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not pitch again in that game, even if he has not reached his Pitch Count.
4.0 Pitcher will only be allowed their allotted number of warm-up pitches. Eight warm-ups for the first inning pitched by the pitcher and five for each additional inning pitched. This applies to both starting and relief pitchers.
5.0 Managers (coaches) are allowed one trip to the mound per pitcher in an inning. Second time out in the same inning, to the same pitcher, the pitcher must be removed. Third time out to the same pitcher in the same game, the pitcher must be removed.
6.0 An injury does not count as a trip to the mound.
7.0 If a manager or coach crosses over the baseline to talk to players in the field it will count as a trip to the mound.
8.0 The pivot foot must be in contact with the pitching rubber during windup and delivery. Failure will result in no pitch.
9.0 There will be no balks.
10.0 There are no intentional walks!
11.0 If a pitcher hits two batters in one inning or three batters in the game he must be removed.
12.0 Pitchers shall not wear a white sweatshirt or white sweatbands to prevent confusion with the baseball for the batter.
13.0 There will be unlimited walks. Managers should not allow their pitcher to throw without control.
14.0 Pitchers who become wild, tired or sore must be removed to protect them from serious injury. Managers must keep their players welfare above all.
1.0 There will be no protests allowed based on an umpire’s judgment. 2.0 If a dispute arises over an interpretation of the rules, it should be settled on the field between the two teams and the umpire. If it cannot be resolved, a board member will try to settle the matter on the field. Should there still be a problem, the game will cease at that point and the baseball committee will decide on the final ruling.
1.0 All parents (including coaches that have a player on the team) submit 3 players they believe should be put into the All-Star Game. The Players with the most votes get in.
1.0 League Champions, Standings, Playoffs:
Will be determined by a point system:
Two (2) Points for Win, One (1) Point for Tie, Zero (0) Points for a loss
In the event of a tie for a position, the team with most wins will get the position. For teams tying with identical records, head-to-head competition will determine winner. 1.1 EXAMPLE:
If Team "A" and Team "B" tie for a place, but Team "A" has won the regular season game, Team "A" will be declared the winner of that place in the standings. In the event that the two regular games were split or a single regular season game finished tied, the team with the most wins vs. playoff teams will be determined based on the power rating system.
1.2 Power Rating System:
A point value will be given to each team qualifying for play-offs with the first place team getting a point for every team in the division. For a division with 16 teams the points would be assigned as follows:
1st place -16 pts., 2nd place -15pts., 3rd place 14pts. And so on.
The team that has accrued the most points will be declared the winner of that place in the standings. If this procedure does not produce a winner, the seeding spot will be determined by a coin flip.
1.3 Playoff Tournament Requirements:
All teams with 14 pts. or more will make the playoffs. Single elimination brackets will be utilized until the championship round.
2.0 The championship series will be a best two out of three World Series with extra innings if necessary.
3.0 The team that finished highest in the regular season standings will be Home Team for Games 1 & 3 and visitor for Game 2.
Middle Country Youth Association
1.0 All Managers must submit final score, pitcher information for both teams, and All Star picks for the opposing team’s players with the “Game Results Submission Form” on the MCYA website the within 24 hours.
2.0 If a manager fails to submit forms within 24 hours, the Commissioner will contact the opposing Manager to select All Star Picks for his own team for that game. 3.0 If neither manager submits forms within 24 hours, the game results in a tie and All Star picks are forfeited for that game
Middle Country Youth Association
Section 5: Draft Procedure
1. Eligibility:
A. Only those players registered by the Final Registration Date can be protected or selected in the draft. No Exceptions!
B. All players who are not registered by the Final Registration Date will be hat picks! No Exceptions!
2. Draft Forms:
A. All managers will receive a Draft Form. The form will include all managers, their team number, their protected players, total team protection points, and space available for draft picks.
3. Protected Players:
A. Coach's son(s). Coach's name, address, and phone number must be submitted to the MCYA President prior to the Final Registration Date. The player also must be registered prior to the Final Registration Date.
B. A Manager may protect any player and all players from his previous year roster providing that they conform to the age requirements of that division and are registered by the Final Registration Date.
C. If a manager protected a player who did not play in that season, but returns in a subsequent season, the manager can reclaim and protect him.
D. A manager may not protect or reclaim a player that played for him in the past but has played in this league for another manager. If the subsequent manager does not protect the player, by choice or by rule, the player will be placed in the draft.
E. Brothers playing in the same division will automatically be placed together unless the parent specifically requests otherwise. If one brother is protected and the other is not, they will both be placed on the protected brother’s team. (Also applies to brother / sister situation).
F. Any player not registered by the deadline set forth by the league will be placed in the draft, even if he was named as a protected player. It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that all of his protected players are registered on time. E. All protections count as “3” points.
4. Trades:
A. Trades may be made on Draft Day only, unless specifically approved by the league.
B. The trade of a draft pick for a protected player will be allowed if it is announced at the beginning of the draft. The transaction will occur at the time that the team receiving the protected player is due to pick. It will be finalized at the end of the draft.
C. All other trades will be accommodated immediately after the draft. The Board must approve all trades. The Board reserves the right to reject any trade that is considered to be uneven exchange of ability, even if both managers agree.
D. The Board Member overseeing the draft has the right to reject any trade if he or she feels that it is not a trade of equal ability, or that one team will gain an unfair advantage from the trade.
Middle Country Youth Association
5. Draft:
A. Only players registered by the Final Registration Date are eligible to be selected in the draft.
B. Protected player ratings will be totaled to produce a team rating.
C. Total number of players per team will be evened out first.
D. Team with the fewest number of players and the lowest team rating always gets priority. In case of a tie, team number in ascending order will determine pick. E. Trades can only be made immediately after the draft.
F. Immediately after the draft is completed, parental requests will be announced. 6. Roster Size and Late Registrations:
A. Maximum number of players per team will be set by the league in order to ensure that each player gets the maximum possible playing time. No team roster will be permitted to exceed this limit.
B. The MCYA Baseball Board will place late registrations only if there are roster openings.
7. Special Requests:
A. Parents may request that their child play with another child or with a specific manager.
B. Tee Ball and Farms: Every effort will be made to accommodate the request. C. Minors, Majors, Babe Ruth: The request will be noted and visible to all managers, but there is no guarantee that the request will be honored. This is necessary to maintain the competitive balance, protect managers from parents determining their team roster, and to prevent managers from “stacking” their team.
8. Age Eligibility:
A. League Age is determined by the child’s age on April 30 of year in which the season is played.
B. Players will not be allowed to play down because of inexperience, lack of ability or lack of knowledge about the game. It is the responsibility of the manager, the coaches and the parents to work with the child to improve his skills.
C. Exceptional Players (those with a “3” rating) may play up one year with the agreement of the manager and the approval of the parent(s).
D. If requested by the parent, girls may play down one year.
E. Players with a documented physical handicap or condition may be eligible to play down one year with all of the following:
ξ Documentation from the child’s physician.
ξ Written Request by the parent.
ξ Approval of the Board.
Middle Country Youth Association
Example Draft Procedure
Round | Team 1 | Team 2 | Team 3 | Team 4 |
1 | P1 | 3 | P1 | 3 | P1 | 3 | P1 | 3 |
2 | P2 | 3 | P2 | 3 | P2 | 3 | P2 | 3 |
3 | P3 | 3 | P3 |
| 3 D1 | 3 | P3 | 3 |
4 | P4 | 3 | P4 |
| 3 D2 | 3 | P4 | 3 |
5 | P5 | 3 | P5 |
| 3 D3 | 3 | P5 | 3 |
6 | P6 | 3 | P6 |
| 3 D4 | 3 | P6 | 3 |
7 | P7 |
| 3 D5* |
| 3 D6 | 2 | P7 | 3 |
8 | P8 |
| 3 D8 |
| 2 D7 | 2 | P8 | 3 |
9 | D11 |
| 2 D10 |
| 2 D9 | 2 | P9 | 3 |
10 | D14 |
| 2 D13 |
| 2 D12 | 2 | P10 | 3 |
11 | D17 |
| 1 D16 |
| 1 D15 | 1 | P11 | 3 |
12 | D20 |
| 1 D19 |
| 1 D18 |
| 1 D21 | 1 |
P# | = | Protections |
D# | = | Draft Picks |
* | = | Team# Order |
Sample Draft Explanation:
Round 1,2 | Filled with protections. |
Round 3,4,5,6 | Team3 gets first 4 draft picks(d1,d2,d3,d4). Even up players with Team2. |
Round 7 | Tie: Team2 & Team3 have even players and even ratings. Team2 gets 5th pick (d5). Continue in Team# order. Team3 gets (d6) to even players. |
Round 8 | Team3 gets (d7) based on team rating. Team2 gets (d8) to even players. |
Round 9 | Team3 gets (d9) based on team rating. Team2 gets (d10) to even players. Team1 gets (d11) to even players. |
Round 10 | Team3 gets (d12) based on team rating. Team2 gets (d13) to even players. Team1 gets (d14) to even players. |
Round 11 | Team3 gets (d15) based on team rating. Team2 gets (d16) to even players. Team1 gets (d17) to even players. |
Round 12 | Team3 gets (d18) based on team rating. Team2 gets (d19) to even players. Team1 gets (d20) to even players. Team4 gets to finally pick (d21) to even players. |
Player Rating Guideline: Above Average Average Needs Extra Help 3 2 1
Middle Country Youth Association
Section 6: Manager’s Agreement
ξ I understand and agree that the purpose of this league is to instruct, instill a spirit of sportsmanship, and to create a safe, fun activity where the kids are the center of attention.
ξ I will conduct myself in an appropriate manner. I will not use profanity, display un sportsmanlike conduct, smoke or use alcoholic beverages when I am on the field. I will also make sure that my coaches and parents adhere to the same standard. I understand that violation of this rule can result in suspension or expulsion from the league.
ξ I understand that I am required to attend all general league meetings and participate in all league activities. If I cannot attend personally I understand it is my responsibility to arrange for a coach or parent to attend in my place. These activities include, but are not limited to, Field Clean Up Day, Opening Day, the Memorial Day Parade, Picture Day, and the year end Picnic and Awards ceremony.
ξ I understand that it is my responsibility to organize and promote the Candy Sale fundraiser on my team. I will collect and turn in all money as prescribed by the league. Also 5affles and 6ponsors for My team.
ξ I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that each of my players receives any photos, jackets or trophies to which he may be entitled. These items are distributed to the managers to be given to their players.
ξ I agree to familiarize myself with the rules governing my division, and will play by those rules. I will not take it upon myself, with or without agreement of the opposing manager, to change any rule for any reason.
ξ I understand that I am required to maintain a safe environment for the kids. This can include clearing the field and bench areas of debris, doing minor field maintenance, and carrying a league-issued first aid kit at all times.
ξ I understand that I am responsible for any equipment issued to me. I will return all equipment at the end of the season on time and to a place designated by the league.
I understand that I do not have a right to a team from one year to the next. The Board reserves the right to choose which managers to invite to return. This decision is based upon the number of managers needed, past participation in league activities and meetings, conduct, teaching skills and player and parent feedback.
I have read all of the above rules and agree to abide by them.
__________________________ ___________________________ _________ (Print Manager’s Name) Manager’s Signature Date
Middle Country Youth Association
65 60
Section 7: Field Dimensions
Division Base Path Pitching Distance Tee Ball 50’
Farms 55’ 40’ Minors 60’ 46’ Majors 65’ 50’ Babe Ruth 90’ 60’ 6”
Middle Country Youth Association
Additional Rules & Policies
Rules of Decorum
1. MCYA Mission Statement: To look at every aspect of the league’s operation through the eyes of the Children. To provide a safe, fun, instructional activity where the children feel special and are the center of attention.
2. It’s All for the Kids! - Meaning:
a. We are not here to relive our youth or live out our fantasy of managing the NY Yankees.
b. We are here to teach Sportsmanship, make the game fun for the kids, encourage teamwork and social skills, help the kids to learn confidence, and help them to develop a love for the game.
c. We must look at what we are doing through the eyes of the kids…meaning that we must make it enjoyable on THEIR level, put the instruction in terms that THEY can understand, keep them occupied and interested.
3. We lead by example. Fighting, Swearing, Arguing, Cheating WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Set a good example for the kids to learn from. Remember that they are here to have fun. To them, winning isn’t as important as enjoying themselves and playing the game.
4. Play by the RULES! The managers and the Board have written the rules based on many years of experience. They are amended and updated every year to make the experience better for the kids. Managers are not allowed to amend or ignore rules, even if both managers agree.
5. Managers, coaches and parents are not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol, or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs on or in the vicinity of the playing field. Middle Country School District Policy forbids smoking on School property. If you are at a Brookhaven Town Field, smoking will be permitted ONLY in the parking area, away from the kids.
6. Equipment issued a manager is the property of MCYA, and is to be available for use by both teams. If a manager is late getting to a game, the other manager must make his equipment available to ensure that the game starts on time. If a manager is consistently late to the games it may require disciplinary action by the board.
7. Resolving Disputes: Remember that we are here for all of the kids, not just the ones wearing the same color uniform that we happen to be wearing. One of the most valuable skills we can teach our children today is how to peacefully resolve disputes.
a. Managers MUST carry a rule book to ALL games.
Middle Country Youth Association
b. If there is a question, the two managers ONLY (no coaches or parents) should call time and meet calmly in an area away from players and parents. The managers will calmly and in a respectful tone of voice discuss their conflict. The rulebook will be consulted and followed to the letter.
c. In the Minors and Majors we have umpires. Judgment calls (Ball / Strike, Safe / Out) will be followed without question. If you feel that an umpire made a call that is against our rulebook, the procedure is to calmly call time, approach the umpire, call over the opposing manager, and, in a respectful manner point out the rule in our rule book.
d. In Tee Ball and Farms, these are non-competitive games and the coaches are on their honor to make calls to the best of their ability.
e. Yelling, Screaming, Swearing, Umpire-baiting, and other displays of poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated. Violations can result in the immediate suspension or expulsion of the manager.
f. In the Minors and Majors a manager will get an automatic one game suspension if an umpire ejects him from a game. The Board may then choose to extend the suspension or, if the offense warrants it, take the team from the manager
completely. Remember, NO ONE has a RIGHT to a manager’s position. Each year the Board decides which managers will be asked to return.
g. Child Abuse / Sexual Abuse: No one who has been accused or convicted of Child Abuse or Sexual Abuse will be permitted to manage or coach in MCYA. We check the name of every manager and coach against the NY State Sex Offender registry at least once per year. See the MCYA Child Abuse Policy statement for details.
By following these rules we can ensure that MCYA will provide a first-class service to the children of our community.
It is a privilege to be entrusted with the responsibility and opportunity to shape the minds of our kids and help them to grow into responsible, caring and successful adults.
Remember that, above all,
It’s All for the Kids!
Middle Country Youth Association
Middle Country Youth Association
Middle Country Youth Association Baseball Office
P.O. Box 209
Centereach, NY 11720